“Christmas” comes from two words – Christ and mass, or Christmass.
Christ is derived from the Greek word Christos, which means anoint-ed, and refers to the long awaited Messiah whom the Jews believed would be a di-vine, imperial king who would rule the world. This person turned out to be the only perfect Son of God, the anointed of the Lord.
The word mass, in the religious sense, means to send or dismiss. It has been used for centuries by much of the church to designate worship or the celebration of wor-ship.
Therefore, the word Christmas indicates the worship of the Lord’s Anointed One, or the celebration of the Lord’s Anointed.
What makes Christmas “happen” for you? Where does the joy of the season or pas-sion come alive in you? Is it in the carols? The celebrations? The candlelight ser-vice? The food? Perhaps you find it in the shopping and gift-giving. Maybe you see the love of the season in the sparkling eyes of a child or feel it in a loved one’s hug.
Whatever it is, during this holiday season with all its frenzied festivities, stop and re-member that night in the stable, those mingled smells of animals and hay, that pain and subsequent joy in the birth of one small child. Breathe deep and feel with Mary, with Joseph, the shepherds, the angels. Feel the birth of Jesus. What is it to experi-ence such joy, such peace? Verbally express to someone close to you what the birth of Christ means to you at this point in your life. Be joyful! Experience God’s love and peace.
Pastor Katie
Sunday 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Children's Sunday School During Worship.
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